Monday, November 26, 2007

bus stop stuff.

i spend a lot of time at bus stops here in hamilton. i did this while waiting to be picked up at about 1am. this kid walked by and i didn't even really see his face, i just found his hair to be inspiring.

i was drunk.

i call this one "lotus kids" because that song by the chili peppers was playing on my ipod at the time i saw this character... could be a title for the future. i had a lucid moment at the stop that day; i came up with a great idea for a story by watching this person as he appeared to aimlessly meander around the street corner. in hindsight, i think it would make a better graphic novel as some of the theoretical aspects are less inclined to a novel or short story, and the characters lend themselves more to an image-based medium.

i did the sketch the next night from memory while tami and i watched some tv. my character is a man; however, the person who i had been watching for almost twenty minutes eventually came up to ask me for the time and i realized that it was actually a woman (with a crazy--swedish?--accent). just another nutty night in the rain at the bus stop.

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